Thursday, December 19, 2019

Success Is The Highest Level Of Success - 973 Words

In our society, everyone has their own interpretations of â€Å"success.† The Oxford English Dictionary defines success as â€Å"the attainment of an object according to one s desire: now often with particular reference to the attainment of wealth or position† (Success). According to this definition, one must be affluent or materialistic to be considered successful. However, one does not need money to be considered successful in our society. Success is very subjective, so everyone has their own definition of it. Someone who is very wealthy might consider their fortune to be the highest level of success while someone who just received a promotion at work might consider that to be the highest level of success. Money is only able to buy physical objects which aren’t considered an achievement. Ultimately, reaching a goal, having a recognized career, and using the wealth for philanthropic work are good measures of success. Everyone has a set of objectives for their pe rsonal or professional life and completion of these goals is considered as being successful. Ever since my family moved to the United States, my father’s goal was to become an American citizen. After living here for over four years, he was eligible to apply which he did. In order to achieve his goal of passing the citizenship test, my father studied during every available free time. He couldn’t fully read or write in English, so he worked on that in addition to studying American history. During this past summer, it was timeShow MoreRelatedAchieving Highest Levels Of Success1724 Words   |  7 Pagesmeaningfulness.† (Zakrzewski Brunn, 2015). Research shows that achieving the highest levels of success does not make for ‘happier’ individuals. This can be true for both career and education. In order to reach a happy state, it does not only depend on reaching full academic potential. 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